Share What You Do...Lead

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” ― Brené BrownDaring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
I want to thank the many teachers that took a risk putting themselves in front of colleagues both at the August professional development day as well as last January.  Each one of you modeled for colleagues and members of our Roseville City School District Community that we have a lot to learn from one another.  I am excited for the upcoming September and October professional development days as there are more chances to grow from each other.
This summer I read the book Daring Greatly by Brené Brown and was struck her claim that many of us are paralyzed to act, take a risk, and make a move because of the culture that promotes shame instead of celebrating risk taking. She goes on to share that many of us listen to feedback of those that have not taken the same risk or any risks and become afraid to make such move the next time.

Every single one of the teachers that presented to colleagues in August and January, as well as every teacher in our district, stands up every day in front of children and teaches. Do you always use THE most innovative strategy, technology platform, or costume?  Of course not!  But each of you spends hours planning and working to ensure that our children are learning at the highest levels.  But what is something tried and true that you do, or something that you learned, or something that excites your students that could be shared outside your four walls?  

Every day we ask students to share their work, lean in, work hard, fail, get up and at it again, and grow.  Be that teacher for your colleagues. Get with a teammate and share something that will make another teacher better tomorrow than he/she is today.  September/October Presenter Application
